Sunday, February 20, 2011

Unhealthy Emotions Associated with Being Dumped

Being dumped can be a traumatic experience for anyone. Relationships are complex and difficult at times. While some people who are dumped seem to find a way to move on without much damage, most people who are dumped have serious emotional issues. Some of the negative reactions to the difficult emotions that come out of the break up can seriously affect the way a person functions and the person's ability to function in life. Finding a positive way to deal with these difficult and possibly harmful negative reactions to these feelings can help you deal with being dumped and move on with your life. Just a few of the emotions you may encounter are hatred, embarrassment and sadness.

Hatred is a common feeling to have after being dumped. The common question is, "Why Me?" You may experience hatred toward a person that has dumped you, mutual friends that disassociate with you after the break up, and anyone who may subsequently date your ex after you break up. Dealing with hatred in a positive way is very important because this emotion has a very bad habit of being a festering emotion. If you have hatred inside, you may even be physically affected. Hatred is an awful emotion that can have severe effects. If you are consumed by this negative emotion, it is hard to live your life, move on from a broken relationship, and even go about day to day responsibilities normally.

Another emotion you may experience is embarrassment. A lot of times, embarrassment stems from self-esteem issues, as well as feeling like everyone around is laughing at you. After you have been dumped, the best way to move past feeling embarrassed is to know that you are a worthwhile person and that you are not the only person who has been dumped. Lift your head and know that you have great qualities that someone else will admire later on in a different relationship, and simply work on getting to know yourself and being the person you want to be. Anyone who would laugh at you after such a painful experience is not worth even wasting time to think about.

One more emotion you may experience in the case of being dumped is sadness. This one will only heal after time. There is almost always regret when you are broken up with and the only cure for this emotion is taking time to let yourself heal. Indulge in some self-pity, but not for long. Get pampered, spend a little money on yourself, and try to remember that you are a worthy human being. Sadness will pass and you will be able to move on with your life in a positive manner. If you allow yourself to get wrapped up in sadness, you can get into a funk that is very difficult to get out of. Simply waking up and getting on with your regular routine can help you take one day at a time to your recovery.

No matter what seemingly negative emotions you experience after being dumped, and there are a variety of many of them, the way to move past them is to react to them in the most positive way you can. This is a key to moving on with your life and living a successful and happy life. 


Sloughboy said...

I got dumped over a year ago, i had many different phrases and all 3 of these emotions i felt. My problem is that i never let go on anything with ease, a part of me is fighting for it back, well in this case her. To be honest it was my first meaningful and proper relationship, I'm 18 years old and was 17 when i was with her, we only lasted a month so the break up hurt me a lot. I cried and i'm embarrassed about this, i was in many mood swings about her, i hated her for a while and even sometimes i would try and think of things i could do or say to get her back but not on purpose, i would think about these things by accident and soon as i realise i would slap myself and say STOP IT!

about 8months after we broke up i was with her and a few mates, oh by the way i see this girl about 3 times a week, she's in my college class. anyways me her and a few mates, got drunk at some field and then went back to hers so continue drinking and having fun while at the back on my head i really really wanted something to happen. guess what it did, well kind of, i was on her bed kissing her and we was about to have sex, both naked but it just wouldn't go up, for about 2 weeks i regreted not trying harder or think i could have done something different for me and her to have sex. so for about 2 weeks to a month i fell for her again and i was talking to her A LOT! kinda flirty texting and all sorts, we became good friends, which i kind of liked but yet again at the back of my head i wanted to get back with her. my friend knew i started to like her again and he was teasing me which didn;t help, so lesson there is to keep it to myself and deny liking her again

so now just over a month after she dumped me and i do look back sometimes and think wow i embarrassed myself so much, but now i'm starting to realise SO WHAT! so now we're good friends only really see each other in college and we're planning for another drunken new years at hers in a few days, but i wanna have a good time and not think about her which i think i will do well. I'm over her, well i'm telling myself i am but i ask myself, what if she threw her self at me and said she wanted to get back with me? could i say no? i don't know, probably not. but i need to stop thinking about what if and start think what next in my love life.

me thinking about her and not getting over her has affected me emotionally and socially. i havn't had sex since January and it's now december and i haven't had a girlfriend but i did kinda get close to two girls but never close enough, it felt like she was pulling me back, well i wanted her to pull me back so i could be all hers.

but it's a new me, i was thinking about it alot over the past few weeks and i can say i'm over her and the next step in my lvoe life is only around the corner and hopefully i can be happy with a girl very soon. i'm not desperate so not having a girlfriend doesn't bother me but what does bother me is that i didn't let girls get close to me and i was overthinking a lot of things when i almost got close to them

so live life how you was before you met him/her because that is the highest point of attraction about a person, being yourself and not thinking about him/her all the time.

a very important part of my life over the last year and i've learnt a lot and i'm happy as ever now.

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