Wednesday, April 6, 2011

How To Raise the Value of Your Products

Whether you create and sell your own product, buy reselling rights or rebrand other people's products, adding value with bonuses is a well-used tactic in affiliate marketing. Why? Because a good bonus is valid, honest, and truly does add value to any offer. Perhaps most importantly, it makes the customer think that NOT to purchase would be a very unwise decision.

The challenge is that almost every marketer is using bonuses, so customers are wearying of the hype. What you need to do is offer them bonuses that do add genuine value to your product, and off them at the right place and time, and in the right way.

Some examples of good bonuses are:

*your product is an ebook about how to buy a used car, and your bonus is a report on how to check to see if a vehicle has sustained damage.

*your product is software designed to simplify obtaining reciprocal links, and your bonus is a report about how to create search engine optimized website title, description and keywords.

A bonus with genuine value:

*can be put to use immediately and is directly related to your product.

*provides motivation that is a match for the motivation to sign up for the newsletter or buy your product, and serves to add to that motivation, not detract from it.

*can allow you to put a price on a product that others give away for free.

The right placement of a bonus is:

*immediately before your prospect makes the last click to complete a sale. This will eliminate any last minute hesitation and will reinforce what you are asking for your product.

A bonus works well if you will only be selling your product for a limited time:

*If you can tell people that if they order by July 15th 2006 they will get a discount or free bonuses, there will be a sense of urgency compelling the customer to buy now rather than risking missing the bonus.

Here are examples of appropriate free bonuses:

1. Physical Product
If you are selling a physical product, it's easy to slip in a free sample or free gift. Anything with your logo, url and/or contact info reminds your customer to return to your website. Pens, mousepads, coffee cups, and refrigerator magnets all get used frequently.

2. Special Report
Information in a condensed form that relates to what you're offering and would be very helpful for the customer makes a great bonus. If your product is information explaining how to do something, your bonus can be a detailed description of some aspect of that. A great bonus to add to Opt In Master Course would be a report outlining how to get the most out of your favorite traffic exchanges or safelists; or, how to write a good email advertisement.

Titles that are exciting and include numbers, such as "10 Killer Steps to Writing Email Ads that Sell", are proven to be highly successful. An easy way to write your report is to write it in Microsoft Word, format it so it looks professional (using white space, highlights, and bulleted lists, for example), and then use Adobe Acrobat to save it as a PDF file for easy downloading. Be sure to promote your business, website, and relevant affiliate programs in there too - remember it may get passed around. If you would like to make your report available for rebranding, then use pdf995 instead of Adobe Acrobat. Rebranding rights encourage other marketers to pass it around. You can offer your report for free, and sell rebranding rights.

3. Resource List
Compile a list of your personally recommended resources, websites, books, and vendors that will help your list grow their lists and run a successful business. You can set this up as a PDF file as well, or create a password-protected area of your website that your list can access.

4. Checklist
Are there any checklists that would be a good tie-in to what you offer? That help people do what you're teaching them to do, better or easier? A checklist of a daily traffic exchange surfing schedule, or weekly website promotion activities, would help your list members run their businesses more efficiently. A common question I receive is, do you really use ALL the resources in OMC? Your answer to that could be your checklist of what you use.

5. Collection of Articles
My favorite way to advertise my site and add valuable content is to write articles and post them to article directories and on my website. Your list of article directories, or a collection of your best 10 articles, would make a valuable bonus ebook.

6. Workbook
Since OMC includes marketing principles, strategies and tactics, put together a separate guide to help your list members do assignments, stay on track, and document their progress. A workbook is something people recognize and appreciate because it infers step by step guidance, with measurable results. This would be a step up from a checklist.

7. A Coaching Session With You
A consultation is a great bonus to offer, for several reasons. First, it helps you get to know your list members and their questions will
help you decide on the direction your website should take. Second, it's a great opportunity to add backend sales to your free products. For example, if they appreciated the coaching you provided, they may be interested in buying an ebook that expands on this info.

Digital or Physical?

If you're offering printed material as a bonus, don't go nuts spending a ton of money making it look great. "Good" is okay! A simple printed-on-demand report from Cafe Press fits any budget and is fine. First you sign up for a Basic Shop for free. On the " My CafePress" page, click on the "products" link under Shop Management. Next, click on the "add products" button at the top of the page. This will direct you to the product list where you can select the products available for you to choose from. The book is the last product in the list. The system will then walk you through each step of creating your book.

What's most important is the cover -- even if you only produce a digital report or audio product, having a graphic of it will help
increase your response and make you look more professional.

Give Your Wallet a Bonus This Month

So get some bonuses together, make note of your sales so far, and then add some bonuses and watch how your sales rise.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

7 Tips to Make You More Creative

Many great things have started as an simple, creative idea. Consider donating some of your best ideas to help others. The more creative you are, the more ideas you will be able to create. You can be creative even if you don't think you are.

I have known many people that were scared to use a computer for the first few times. However, after diving into it they became more comfortable. They were willing to take a risk and make some mistakes. The result was an ability to learn and do things they would never be able to do without the use of a computer.

Being creative and thinking up world-changing ideas occurs in the same way. Everyone can be creative but they have to be willing to start. The creative process will then become more natural over time.

Try the following tips to help you on your journey to be more creative:

1. Record your ideas on whatever is comfortable and convenient at the moment. What is important is that you record your ideas. In the past, I have forgotten ideas that I thought of when I was on a walk. Now I carry a digital recorder with me on those walks. At other times I use my computer, notepad or journal. Choose what will work best for you and make sure you have a way to record your ideas at all times. You never know when an important idea will surface.

2. Don't limit yourself to ideas that seem possible. Capture all of your ideas. Even those that seem impossible to implement are important for a couple of reasons. First, what seems impossible to you may not be impossible sometime in the future or for someone else. Second, impossible ideas encourage further creative ideas that might be more likely to be implemented.

3. Change your scenery or location. A change in scenery can stimulate the creativity inside you. A change might be as simple as looking out a window. You can also visit someplace new like a park, beach, or mall. The new environment can foster new ideas.

4. Read on many topics. It is amazing how many things in a totally unrelated subject can prompt new ideas. By broadening your knowledge into more areas, you make your creativity potential grows.

5. Go for a walk. Some of my best ideas have happened when I was on a walk. This applies to any form of moderate exercise. I have heard of others that have written articles and speeches while waalking or jogging.

6. Focus in 10-15 minute increments. It does not take a significant amount of time to brainstorm some potential ideas. In fact, brainstorming works best when done for short periods of time. Concentrate for a few minutes on generate as many ideas to address a specific area or problem. Then capture anything that comes to mind throughout the rest of the day (see tip #1). You will have several ideas for consideration for little investment of time. One of those could become something tremendous for helping others.

7. Think big. What question are you asking to prompt your ideas? The larger the question, the larger the impact those ideas may have on the world. You can start by addressing smaller problems but don't limit yourself to those. You have unique experiences, knowledge and talents that should be applied to helping others on a grand scale as well.

Follow these tips and you will be on your way to generating ideas that have the potential to change the world. Don't let your previous lack of creativity keep you from developing and donating your ideas. Get started today. 

Burn the ShipsBurn the Ships

One of the keys to reaching your goals is to eliminate any escape routes. It is tempting to retreat to safety and comfort when challenges and difficulties arise. To avoid turning around and abandoning your goals, you must make going forward more compelling then going back.

When striving towards a goal, you must focus on what you want to obtain and avoid the impulse to go back to what you know and to what is comfortable. When Spanish Conquistador Hernando Cortez landed in Mexico, one of his first orders to his men was to burn the ships. Cortez was committed to his mission and did not want to allow himself or his men the option of going back to Spain. By removing this option, Cortez and his men were forced to focus on how they could make the mission successful.

Eliminating an escape route creates a compelling reason to focus on the goal and to keep moving forward. However, it is important to keep in mind that although Cortez had his men burn the ships, he did not have them burn the food and supplies. Cutting off an escape route to increase motivation and create the desire to press on where you might otherwise give up is totally different from throwing caution to the wind and taking undue risks. Reaching your goals still requires prudent planning and managing. All goals contain a certain degree of risk, but it isn't necessary to create undue risk and stress by not properly planning and thus lacking the necessary tools and supplies to achieve your goal. Take risks, but don't be careless or foolish and simply hope that everything will be okay.

Before you  decide to burn your ships, make sure you have the supplies and tools necessary to achieve the goal. Something like quitting your job might sound like a good way to close the escape route, but it might also be a fast way to bankryptcy if you don't have resources to carry you through. Creating a savings account balance or having a journey job (a job that is a stepping stone to what you really want) allows you to take the risk of leaving your current job without creating undue risk. I once took a six-month leave of absence from a job while I was deciding if I wanted to move to a different state. Although it was difficult making the transition as I was very homesick, once I found a job in my new location, I resigned from the job I had waiting for me because I knew it would be too tempting to go back.

Close off the escape routes and make sure that you have a compelling reason to move forward. However, at the same time, make sure that you plan for the risk and have the tools, supplies and resources you need to achieve your goals. You can't eliminate risk but you can plan for it. Don't just jump in without thinking through the process and having a solid plan for moving forward. 

Monday, February 21, 2011

Simple Weight Loss Tips

Sometimes weight loss can be a whole lot easier than most people believe. Rather than trying to maintain a strict diet regime, the person trying to lose weight should just make small adjustments to their lifestyle rather than a dramatic change that will ultimately result in failure.

The simple process of drinking an additional glass of water each day, or a short walk around the block once or twice a week will ease the body into the changes that are required for weight loss.

Another wise move is to stay away from the bathroom scales for a week or two, so the weight loss process doesn't become an all-encompassing ordeal that needs to be measured every day of the week.

By leaving the weigh-in times a little longer apart there is more chance that they will show a reduction in weight, whereas daily weigh-ins can fluctuate depending on the time of day and various other factors.

Even a small reduction in food intake can have a dramatic effect on bodyweight over a period of time. Alternatively, a change from one food to another can also have a huge effect on weight loss. A simple example of this would be to substitute a food high in carbohydrates with an equal quantity of food that is lower in carbohydrates and higher in protein. This change alone will help to reduce body fat and it will also help to eliminate hunger pangs.

Now consider the effect that a few extra glasses of water each day will have when combined with a walk around the block a couple of times a week and a change in foods from high carbohydrates to high protein. When you combine all three changes they can have a really dramatic effect on fat reduction over a period of time with little or no stress and emotional strain on the person losing the weight.

People who follow this method of weight loss are more likely to maintain such a program for a lot longer, and it is this constant change that ensures success, unlike the fad diets that people try off and on throughout their life.

Take Some Pictures

The older I get, the harder it is for me to remember the people and events of my past. Sure, I may remember that my four siblings and I vacationed with our grandparents every year in Canada, but I can no longer remember what the hotel we always stayed in looked like or the way my grandpa looked wearing his special vacation hat. What I would give to have pictures that helped me to remember those times.

As I began to have a children of my own, I realized that I didn't want to forget any of the special moments that each of my kids created. I didn't want to forget the way my oldest daughter used to stick out her tongue or the way my youngest son used to love wearing his daddy's baseball caps over his head. Fortunately, I will not have to forget any of the special things that each of my kids do because one of the first purchases I made as a new parent was a nice camera. I cannot afford to not have pictures that capture moments and help me to cherish them as my children get older and life changes. I missed out on too many moments that were perfect for pictures during my own growing up years that I certainly will not repeat that same mistake with my own family.

I love pictures because they are such a simple yet great way to keep a record of events, ceremonies, and the every day moments that make life worth living. I cherish every picture that I take because I know that in some small way I am making a fleeting moment last a little longer. Every time I take more pictures I get excited to develop them and to see how they help to reflect upon and remember moments as life continues to speed by.

I would encourage you, no matter how young or old you are or no matter what stage of life you are in, to get a camera and begin to take pictures. Go crazy taking pictures of the people and places you love most. Your friends and family might get annoyed with your constant desire to make memories, but I guarantee that at some point soon they will thank you for being committed to taking pictures and to preserving great memories.

If the only thing that is stopping you from having great pictures is the expense of purchasing a camera, then allow me to ease your mind. There are a wide variety of one time use or disposable cameras available for just a few dollars. These cameras allow you to take the pictures you still want without having to pay big dollars for a fancy camera.

Don't let another family event or fun evening with friends pass by without you getting a camera and snapping pictures that can last a lifetime. You and the ones who come behind you will be so thankful that you did. 

Classy, Convenient Cooking for Two

When you want to serve a quick-and-easy meal for just the two of you, count on eggs. Handily portioned by nature, eggs are conveniently packaged for quick-and-easy meals for one or two. Plus, eggs are one of the most versatile of all foods. You can fry, scramble, poach or bake them or cook them in the shell. You can also turn eggs into omelets or a frittata, quiche or strata.

French toast is yet another option -; a special but very economical option. In the Cajun areas of Louisiana, French toast is called pain perdu, lost bread. Long ago, thrifty cooks discovered they could rescue day-old (or older) bread which otherwise would have been wasted by soaking it in a mixture of eggs and milk before cooking it. When it's dressed up with a topping, though, who would ever guess that French toast had such a practical origin?

Although many folks consider French toast a breakfast food, you can serve this popular dish for any time of the day. For a classy meal, you can even split the toast slices, stuff them with cheese and serve them up with sugared strawberries.

Does French toast make a good meal? Sure. Following, the bread is in the grain group and the eggs are a meat alternate. In Superb Stuffed French Toast, you get added calcium from the cheese stuffing and vitamin C from the strawberries on top. For the fiber it contains, this recipe calls for whole wheat bread, but you can use any type of bread you like. You can also use a different flavoring in place of the vanilla, such as almond, lemon or orange.

Superb Stuffed French Toast

2 servings

1/2 cup sliced fresh strawberries (about 4 ounces)

2 teaspoons sugar, divide

1/3 cup part-skim ricotta cheese

3/4 teaspoon vanilla, divided

2 (1-inch) or 4 thin slices whole wheat bread

2 eggs

2 tablespoons skim or low-fat (1%) milk

Cooking spray

In medium bowl, stir together strawberries and 1 teaspoon of the sugar. Set aside. In small bowl, stir together ricotta, 1/2 teaspoon of the vanilla and remaining 1 teaspoon sugar until thoroughly blended. Make pocket in each 1-inch bread slice by cutting from top to within 1/2 inch of bottom. Fill each pocket with 2 tablespoons of the ricotta mixture. Or, spread 2 tablespoons of the ricotta mixture onto each of 2 thin slices of bread and place remaining bread on top to make 2 sandwiches.

In small bowl, beat together eggs, milk and remaining 1/4 teaspoon vanilla until well blended. Pour into 9 x 9 x 2-inch baking pan. Place filled bread slices in egg mixture. Soak bread, letting stand about 3 to 4 minutes on each side, until egg mixture is absorbed. Evenly coat baking sheet with spray. Place soaked bread on baking sheet.

Bake in preheated 375 degree F oven 10 minutes. Turn slices. Continue baking until puffed and golden brown, about 10 minutes. To serve, top each bread slice with 1 tablespoon of the remaining ricotta mixture and 1/4 cup of the reserved strawberries.

Nutrition information per serving of 1/2 recipe using 4 thin slices whole wheat bread and skim milk: 328 calories, 12 gm total fat, 227 mg cholesterol, 428 mg sodium, 383 mg potassium, 38 gm carbohydrate, 18 gm protein and 10% or more of the RDI for vitamins A, B12 and C, niacin, riboflavin, thiamin, calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc. 

So You Have Problems

We are all faced with problems throughout our lives, some are small, others huge. Depending on how we deal with them, they can be overwhelming and devastate our lives, or they can quickly fade into the past.

Attitude plays a big role. With a difficult personal or work undertaking, consider all viewpoints, even those you think you don't like. It just might provide relief from your fearful analysis of the situation. Don't oversize the problem which is often a panic reaction. Discuss the actions that you could take with a friend or co-worker which can sometimes provide a good suggestion and some instant stress relief.

Lay out a procedure and slowly complete the first task. The next steps should be easier. Often we will keep on worrying after the decisions are made, which of course is of no help at all. If everything that can be done has been done then it's time to follow through.

"Our plans miscarry if they have no aim. When a man does not know what harbor he is making for, no wind is the right wind." Lucius Seneca (3-65)

Rejection can be an unpleasant experience, but it just lets us know that we aren't perfect. Who is? Consider it a lesson learned, then forget it and move on with your life in a positive constructive manner.

To help solve a difficult problem or to cut down on worrying about making a decision, analyze the situation, determine what must be done and carry it out. In writing or on your PC:

Get all the facts.
Describe the problem in detail.
List all the possible solutions.
List the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Detail what you will do.
Follow through.

You have detailed the planning and know that you will proceed in a certain way, but will review it as required. Later. Now it's time to think other thoughts.

"What we have to learn to do, we learn by doing." - Aristotle

The SMART Way to Set Goals

Goal setting is equal parts art and science. Many people create goals that simply don't work. If you're in business, you don't have the luxury of creating goals that don't work. You need to work effectively and you need goals you help you do it.

Here is a great way to create good goals that work… that keep you on track. They're called SMART goals and the acronym SMART will help you to remember the things that each goal needs to be:

* Specific: Your goal needs to be stated in a way that is clearly defined. Saying, I should work more, is not a goal that will be kept. However, saying, I am going  to work a total of 8 hours each day, is a goal that is much clearer and specific.

* Measurable: This is closely related to the above attribute except that it also includes a way to make sure you are on track. A goal that says, I want to make more money, isn't measurable. However, a goal that says, I want to earn $6000/month, is a far more measurable goal. It's easy to see, at the end of the month, whether or not you achieved it.

* Actionable: This means that your goal should be something that you need to do yourself in order to accomplish it. If you want to increase your income this year, it's not realistic to say, I'm going to win the lottery this year, because you have no control over whether you will win the lottery or not. However you might say, I'm going to increase my sales efforts by cold calling 10 people each day, which is something you can take action on yourself.

* Realistic: Goals that are actually achievable are much better and far more motivating. You'll feel better about yourself when you do hit goals than if constantly shoot for them and fall short. Realistic goals should not be so easy that you hit them every single time but should not be so hard that you never reach them at all.

* Time-oriented: Similar to the measurable attribute, your goal should have a time-frame for you to accomplish it in. Deadlines help people achieve their goals. If you anchor your goal to a time, you'll be able to watch your progress.

You can remember this with the acronym, SMART, so that when you're creating goals, you can create better goals for yourself. This is a popular goal-setting acronym in business, although occasionally the words are changed slightly to reflect the needs of the business.

A Simple Formula For Overcoming Fear and Worry

If you ask most people why they have not achieved their goals or the level of success they desire, they will usually respond with some built-in excuse (negative belief) that is holding them back. Underlying this excuse or negative belief is usually a fear or worry. How many times have you attempted something new, only to stop before you ever got started because you were afraid of what others may think? Or you don't think you have the time or money or both? Or because you believe are inexperienced or lack the knowledge to succeed?

Someone once defined F.E.A.R. as False Evidence Appearing Real, which means we have chosen to believe in something that is not really true. But because it is our belief, it is our reality. Worry is nothing more than a sustained fear caused by indecision. Sometimes we need to ask some tough questions to determine the cause of these worries or fears. Once the fear is identified, a simple formula can be used to overcome that fear.

The first step is to clearly define what you are afraid of or worried about. Write in down. Put in on paper. Half of your worries and fears will be solved the instant you can define them clearly by putting them on paper. What once seemed big in your mind will look small and insignificant on paper.

For the other half, you need to move on to step two. Ask yourself, what is the worst possible thing that can happen if this fear or worry becomes true? Make a list, yes, write it down on paper underneath your clearly defined worry. Keep writing down everything that comes to mind until you have identified the worst possible outcome. Do you realize that 90% of what we worry about never happens? Think about how much time you spend on worrying about stuff that never will happen. This list will help you see that.

Once you have completed your list, resolve in your mind that you will accept the worst possible thing that can happen. Since 90% of those things will never occur and generally the other 10% will not kill you, realize you will survive. Accept the worst possible thing by telling yourself, I can handle it, over and over again. This will start to turn things around.

Finally, begin now to make sure the worst never happens. Put together an action plan of exactly what you need to do to turn things around. By focusing on positive changes and implementing your action plan, your focus will shift to the positive outcomes and away from your fears. You will begin to feel better because now you can DO SOMETHING! Positive action is the only cure for fear and worry. Try this formula today and see if it will work for you. It has worked for me.

Getting Your Home Organized: Are You Putting the Cart Before the Horse?

Some people have so much clutter and so much stuff all over the place, they think all it's going to take is some fancy storage system they have in the home improvement store and everything will be fine.

A few shelves here and a few more drawers there... and presto!

Everything is organized.

But it's usually not the case.

I used to have clients call me up because all they wanted was a "system" for their closet or garage.

But when I get to their home, I realize the problem is much deeper and extremely common.


And usually, adding storage only masks a bigger problem.

See, some people think just by putting in storage they can keep more stuff, when in fact all that's happening is you're moving things around, making you think you are more organized, but in reality you still have the same amount of clutter ... it's just a little neater.

Which brings me to the point of "putting the cart before the horse."

Before you even think about storage, you have to do a real, honest assessment of the things you own.

I can almost guarantee you can get rid of some things.

Clothes, books, tools, boxes of who-knows-what, spare parts, junk...junk...junk.

So before you even think about spending money on storage systems - whether it's cheap metal shelving or high-end fancy shelving units, start with the horse.

The clutter.

Get rid of things you don't need. Clear off the counters. Empty the drawers.

Have a yard sale and clear some space.

Then, you can work on the cart.

Overcome The Symptoms In The First Trimester Of Your Pregnancy

Surprised with the outcome, you abruptly told your husband about this news soon after having a home pregnancy test in one early morning. Afterward, both of you were so contented that you hugged each other for minutes while tears were dropping on your cheek.

All the emotions of joy, fear, amazement and acceptance, assembled within you. There was no exact word to describe the feeling.

Now you should prepare yourself for the next huge things. The upcoming nine months will be more thrilling than before. You'll experience unexpected, remarkable changes in your body.

In general, pregnancy is divided into three trimesters. Each one has its own nature.

Take a look at the general symptoms you may have in the first trimester of your pregnancy - a crucial time when you should be careful with your fetus. Also, the tips given will hopefully help you go through this wonderful journey. Enjoy.

1. Morning sickness - Nausea and vomiting are two common symptoms of early pregnancy. Hot drinks, crackers, and fresh fruits are great choices for relieving them.

2. Frequent urination - The growing of uterus causes some pressure on your bladder. You'll be going to the restroom more often.

3. Tender breasts - The increasing hormone lets your breasts become more sensitive, fuller and heavier than usual. This time you may replace your bra with a more comfortable one.

4. Uncommon Exhaustion - Don't push yourself by working too hard. Try to get some rests whenever you feel fatigue.

5. Increased craving - Acquire nutritious and balanced food intake. Make sure you and your baby are well nourished.

6. Bad moods - The change of hormones in your body causes your moods to switch as well. Mild exercises can help your moods. Moreover, just think that it's a preliminary change and challenge you'll have before and after your baby arrives.

Some of you may not recognize that you're pregnant until it reaches five to six weeks from your last period. But soon when you find it out, it's best to think which health care provider you'll go to for a routine check-up.

Ask your pregnancy condition to your obgyn. Some of the congenital abnormalities may be observed at the end of the third month of pregnancy by a USG examination. Consult with him when unexpected things occur.

Read also lots of information about pregnancy. Knowing what happens in your uterus - and your pregnancy in general - will make you feel safe and comfy.

Most of all, enjoy your bigger size. It's an amazing experience you'll never forget in your life. 

They Fooled Him For The Seventh Time In A Row - Spirituality Information

What if the top ten billionaires in the world die today? Is the world going to change?

No Way!

What if the top ten sportspersons in the world die today? Is the world to change

No Way!

What if the top ten spiritual leaders pass away? Is the world going to change?

No Way!

What if ten ordinary people die today? Is the world going to change?

Of Course, Yes!

Ordinary people run this world. Extraordinary ones are not part of this world,they are seeking a different world, a world beyond wealth and fame, a world which they have yet to come to terms with....

Ordinary people are still fighting it out for money. They have to work everyday to earn money. If they do not go to work for a day they are not paid.. They have to work everyday to achieve their goals, their ambitions. Ordinary people work for extraordinary ones... They are talented but they lack the capacity to invent..., to think beyond their talents... Ordinary people feed extraordinary ones.....

If an ordinary person dies, close ones may mourn for his/her death but the death of an ordinary person causes more grief to a wealthy person because he/she has lost a source of revenue.... The world wants ordinary persons to be born everyday and so everything that you see and read in this world is ordinary. Take any newspaper , pick up any magazine,walk in to any school or any elite educational institute.... all that these people are doing are glamorizing extraordinary individuals...They are talking about motivation,goals,ambitions,hard work,discipline,control and what not.... If you are a regular reader of my blog you would know that none of these qualities/traits make up a great person.... All these traits are good to have but they do not transform an individual from an ordinary person to an extraordinary one....They are only scratching at the surface....They know for sure you will never be able to empower yourself. They show you how to find a ray of hope but they cannot tell you how to follow your divine light ...

Here is the greatest secret my dear friend.... It takes only moments to lift yourself from an ordinary individual to an extraordinary one. It takes only moments.... It might takes years for the world to notice and applaud you as an extraordinary individual but the baby steps for becoming the Lord's favourite child takes only moments, that slight shift in your thinking pattern, that unique sense of observing things and not falling for them, the capacity to understand that silence is more powerful than action, the realisation which dawns to you that you have a far greater responsibility and commitment towards your Higher self than to anyone else in this world....

The era of self help is gone. This is the era of self realisation. Ordinary people have for long been fooled by extraordinary and wealthy ones... No more will this happen. Never again will they dare to do this... Let the wealthy and extraordinary ones teach control,discipline,hard work,ambition and goals to their children... You don't need any of them. You will learn only one thing day in and day out from today ... Figure out for yourself what that one thing would be....

I have done my homework. I chose education of my higher self as my only inspiration in this world... I chose not to start from bottom and reach to the top. I found a backdoor to start from the top ..... and so can you.... Think about it....When i can do it so to can you.....

Ordinary people are the Lord's favourite child. They run the world. But a far greater and wonderful world is waiting with open arms for you my dear friend. Go for It......

Empower Yourself Today,This Very Moment And Take The First Bold Step In Your Life..

Passion: Fire In Your Soul

Many people try to hold a raging fire within themselves, but it restlessly and relentlessly gnaws at their core. Some have tried to cover it up with alcohol, numb it with drugs, hide it with shopping, kids, work, or religion, or fuel it with sex. The Baby Boomers looked for eternal youth and to change the world. They thought they would never grow up, but they did. They thought they would change the world and they did.

The previous generation looked for the American Dream. Some found it. Many did not. The present generation seems to be seeking success. Yet, the gap between the "haves" and the "have nots" widens. Each generation and each individual, in turn, searches for something, but it often slips from their grasp.
The fire carries both energy and discomfort. The key is to use the discomfort as a motivator and the energy as fuel.

Redfield in the "Celestine Prophecy" talks of the need for a historical perspective. The first man or woman met his/her physical needs. Then he or she explored and conquered the world and put it to their collective service. Now we seek something and we don't seem to know what it is.

When we are connected to our roots and our souls, passion rises quickly and pushes us the next level of life or learning or love. It does not have to be love of a mate. It could be creative passion, fueling what we do for ourselves, work, community, or family. Anything where the totality of who you are is absorbed in the doing, requires passion. To loose it, is soul death, or at least deep sleep. It will cry to be heard when it sleeps.

I've sometimes been afraid of my passion. It seems so fierce at times. I guess I fear it will consume me and nothing else will matter. I know that can happen. I've had a small taste of it when I work for hours into the night, so absorbed by my work that I forget time, sleeping, and eating. But, I also know that I must have time in my life to live the every day life of doing the mundane things that must be done. Balance is probably still the key, but you must not loose your passion all together. Your life will be too dry and dull without it.

Remember your first love? Nothing else mattered. You felt as if you would walk to the ends of the earth for that love. Remember that? While that first passionate, all consuming love does not last, it gives us a taste of a force within ourselves that carries tremendous energy. Look for your passion and it will find you.

Suicide is Not an Option

On December 12th, 1992, my brother committed suicide. The consequences were devestating to everyone involved. Maybe this story will help someone who is contemplating suicide to decide against it.

Suicide is not the solution that some may think it is. Problems and unresolved issues will haunt family and friends for many decades.

My nephew, who was just a baby at the time, would always ask about his uncle. He eventually learned to point up at the sky and say, "Uncle Scott".

But the reality is that he missed out on having the benefit and support of his uncle as he grew up. And of course, there are countless interactions with family members that will be missed over the decades.

Suicide is permanent. And the effects that it has on loved ones also lasts over a life time.

My brother was only 22 years old at the time he chose to commit suicide. I was only 24.

I remember going to the viewing and seeing his lifeless body. They couldn't quite erase all of the signs of his violent death. And that image will stick with the living for the rest of their lives.

In the end, the temporary pain someone escapes by committing suicide might be overshadowed by the pain and sadness of family and friends. That pain may continue through the decades whenever they think about it.

The missed opportunities for interaction also impedes the growth of everyone else. Countless interactions that would have occurred are all lost now.

Who knows how destiny was changed by such an event. The family that he may have had will not exist now.

The triumphs and set backs of a life will never be realized. The fulfillment of a lifetime was cut short by a decision that may have been made rashly at a moment of personal confusion or pain.

We never know who it is in our destiny to meet and interact with over a lifetime. All of those 'plays' of life will never be able to exist because one of the characters on the stage will not be there to fulfill his role.

So, the total sum of the tragedy is really unknown but it seems likely that over what would have amounted to decades of time, that sum must be quite high. I guess we won't get the chance to find out.

Though I am revealing this personal family tragedy to the masses through this article, if it saves a single life, it will be worth it. Drop me a line if you ever want to talk, I would be happy to hear from you. 

Natural Stress Management: Howsoever Powerful May Be The Storm-It Has To Pass!

The pronouncement of the very word natural, takes some stress out of your personality. The chances of harmful side effects in natural management in any area, are remote. This assurance is great and likely to have a soothing effect on one's personality.

Do not think that your stress is something special and none has experienced the type of stress that you are undergoing. Each individual lives with a moderate level of stress. Some exhibit it, cry about it, others brave it calmly- that's the difference! Nurturing the stress can cause serious problems, both physical and mental! Do not think that stress is due to sad events only. Sterling happy events can also cause stress.

Let's know what are some of the common causes for stress and how natural stress managements techniques can be applied to understand and solve them. For, behind every stress, there is an event or a strong cause. Consider some of them:

1. Losing the job. Initially, this may sound like a disaster to you. There is no doubt that getting an alternative employment is the only alternative solution. Some times, 'wrong things happen' for giving you a right turn in life. Do not lose hope. Fight the battle of your life.

Here I will share a real life story of a driver with you. A man was working as a driver with a merchant, for the last eight years, and suddenly his services were terminated. This event though stressful, gave him an opportunity to think about the other job alternatives. He was guided to a Bank by his friend. He took a auto-loan, and today, within a space of two years, that ex-driver is owning four vehicles, including a tempo, for carrying cargo. From the rented one room flat, he has shifted to his two bed-room flat. Initially, after termination of his services, he was having a revengeful attitude against his former employer. How the advice of his level headed friend brought to him, rich dividends!

2. Examination Failures. Failure in an examination is not a failure in life. You can always try again. Those who score extra percentage, need not be extra brilliant! Suppose you are not brilliant in studies- you may be cut out for business, where you may gain astounding success. All that is in your hands is to make sincere efforts. Take care of the means-the ends will take care of themselves!

3. After the retirement. The senior citizen, unfortunately, is only given lip-sympathy, he has many problems. His earnings have dwindled, his physical strength is not the same, he has no chair-power, through which he commanded lots of influence. A lot of understanding is required, and all the natural stress management techniques will have to play positive roles here. You were once the the master in acquiring things, now be the willing human being to give up things, one by one. Otherwise, you would be the cause of your own stressful living.

The list of stress creating situations are endless and level of stress varies from individual to individual.

But, use one golden rule- do not overreact to any situation. Howsoever powerful may be the storm-it has to pass. Wait and watch with patience. This is all about natural stress management. 

Achieving Success And Progress Through Creative Thinking

Many people believe that the goal of any society is progress, however for most of us it is not easy to get used to something new. It takes more or less time for every person to adapt to new environment, even if it is only using a new tool, cooking a new dish or finding a new bus stop. That is the reason why many people cling to the way things are and it is much easier for them to do habitual things.

Any person's every day of life consists of many repeated activities, such as driving car, dressing, eating. People do most of these activities automatically, without much thinking. Automatic operations help brains to avoid unnecessary efforts, but many people also use this natural capability of brain in a wrong way.

They create "cliché" for many activities in their life, use same expressions, eat same food, and go to same supermarkets. People live with same world outlook whole their life. It is clear that in most cases laziness makes them live with "cliché" because it is much easier for people to make habitual things, say habitual phrases and do the same job everyday, then straining the brain, creating something new, and making progress in their life.

However, there are still many activities, which demand creativity, ability to orientate us in new, unusual situations. Life brings us surprises every day, and sometimes it is impossible to be prepared for all circumstances. Economical and political situation of any country in the world transforms every month or year and leads to changes in many life aspects. Today people need to be creative to get ahead, because it is impossible to find favorable work or life conditions, without any changes and unexpected circumstances

There are not too many people, which think and act creatively. Most of those people are successful businessmen, artists or politicians, because they can effectively use the natural capability of brain to think creatively. Creative and imaginative people do not achieve success for themselves only; they also contribute to progress of the society. That is why it is important to train yourself to be creative and get rid of many "cliché" opinions in your mind.

First step to think creatively is to comprehend which activities are indeed in need of "cliché" (such every day simple operations as driving car) and which activities demand creativity (such as work, business, education, upbringing of children).

Second, do your daily activities such as work or family creatively, enrich your knowledge about your business, and find new ways to improve it, do not be afraid to give work to your brain, because in daily life most people use only 4-5% of their brain ability to think.

Last, but not least is to be aware that if you are creative and imaginative person you would not be disarmed by unexpected or unusual life circumstances and changes because you can always find a way to adjust and get ahead in your life.

Forget Conventional Dream Interpretation: Learn to Cultivate Your Dreams Today!

One of my favourite quotes of all time and I am sure many of you share my thoughts, is the speech by Martin Luther King at the civil rights march in Washington, 1963, which went like this:

"I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit together at the table of brotherhood..."

"I have a dream..." Indeed. Inspiring stuff. I want to discuss our dreams in a very practical way today.

I want to talk about how to cultivate your dreaming. It really is a tremendously valuable thing to do. I want to steer away from conventional dream interpretation and will explain why.

As of today, pay attention to your dreaming and your daydreaming. Dreams are important to us in many ways, because they do the following:

Firstly, when you dream you actively process information and feelings.

Secondly, dreams are always involving many senses, so the highly sensory experience is very rich. It is quite rare for us to use all our senses at once as we do when we dream.

Thirdly, dreams give us valuable information about what is going on in our lives, whether directly or more often in a disguised or symbolic form.

Fourthly, dreams are strongly sequenced, though often in a way which is emotionally rather than logically organised.

Finally, dreams draw upon a rich range of unconscious, associative, creative links between many kinds of information.

Some people remember their dreams; others tend to forget all but the most dramatic bits as soon as they wake. When you dream or daydream, take time to replay as much of it as you can in your mind before the events of the day overlay it. Relive the story of that dream. Remind yourself of the events, pictures, sensations and other sensory information it involved.

This dream was the product of your mind. Marvel at your own creativity! This is amazing stuff here; get excited by it.

If you get into the habit of asking yourself when you wake, "what did I dream?" you may at first only remember a few particularly strong feelings or vivid images: write them down and review it regularly. I actually used to write a dream journal and wrote everything down as soon as I opened my eyes each morning. It provided me with such inspiration when I required it.

Naturally, lots of you may want to start with dream interpretation straight away. Resist the urge for dream interpretation, ok?

Do your best not to assume that there is necessarily a single clear meaning which can be interpreted according to psychological theories or books on dream significance or dream interpretation. How can your dreams have the same meaning as someone else? Is your brain the same as that persons? For now, ease off the dream interpretation.

I have found that the most useful assumption to make about dreams is that they have some kind of significance for you, the dreamer: they come from your internal, unconscious mind's storehouse of feelings, experiences and images, and are an active and useful way of processing that is quite different from – and just as useful as – the processing that belongs to the logical conscious part of your mind.

Often a strong feeling will be your first clue to the meaning a dream has for you: so note it, and wonder about it, but don't try to rush to tie it down by conscious analysis. The real work of the dream is often done simply in the dreaming of it: the conscious mind does not always have to understand, and when it tries to translate dreams into its own terms it may be limiting it, just as poetry translated from another language usually loses something of its more subtle tapestry of meanings.

Think about the value of dreams.

Dreams demonstrate a different level of mental functioning from conscious, disciplined thought. When you pay attention to them, and even cultivate them, you are learning to become familiar with, to trust and to draw upon a fuller range of your own mental resources: in other words, you are using more of what you've got. Hey, this stuff is going to keep happening, so why not really use it.

The mind works both consciously and unconsciously. Conscious thought is formally taught in our education system. Its strength is its systematic and disciplined way of handling information. Its limitation is that it tends to be rule-bound and too narrow in its problem-solving approach.

The brain also processes information at an unconscious level: mostly, this is associative and depends on links, similarities and feelings. This processing produces dreams, as well as much of our other "creative" or "expressive" experience. That is why we are often surprised by the spontaneous connections we make or insights we have, and by our imaginative inspiration: it is not what we would have come up with consciously at all, yet it seems somehow completely "right". This way of thinking works "laterally" – it expands, goes sideways and finds multiple avenues rather than just one.

We need both kinds of functioning if we are to make the most of our brain power. Logic and intuition, discipline and divergence, are all vital tools that enrich and enable us. But whereas we are used to working with the conscious mind, in part because we are aware of it and can monitor it as it works, many people are less at ease trusting and using the unconscious processes. Paying attention to your dreams, and deliberately cultivating daydreaming, are both ways of stretching yourself into this area.

So let us have a look at the value of deliberate daydreaming. Where dreams come unbidden, you may find it useful to deliberately evoke the conditions for daydreaming, if, like many people, you have not really valued the activity before now.

How is it valuable? Daydreaming brings us escape and relaxation; visions of the future that inspire and help us to bring about what we have dreamed of; solutions to apparently unsolvable problems; inventions and creative possibilities. Daydream states allow the unconscious, associative parts of the mind to work in their own playful and imaginative ways, bringing not only pleasure but results that our usual deliberate, attentive, rational thought does not. We need space in our lives for both ways of processing if we are to realise ourselves as fully as possible.

The key to daydreaming is to be in that right state. If you want to practice, please visit my website and download the free hypnosis session there, or learn self-hypnosis, read my book "The Secrets of Self-Hypnosis" or invest in the self-hypnosis masterclass audio programme, there is nothing else as good in the world today, really there isn't. There is a kind of automatic abstractedness that goes along with daydreaming. Mostly it just seems to happen – but when you know about creating and changing states, you can choose to make it happen.

Here are some ways you can cultivate and work with your daydreams:

Firstly, notice when you have been daydreaming. Is there any pattern of circumstances that helps bring about your particular daydreaming state?

Some people find that repetitive, relatively automatic, activities such as jogging, ironing or walking create the right state. Perhaps it is a warm bath, swimming a few lengths, or sitting in the garden. Or it may be swaying to the movement of a train, staring into space, looking out of the window of a bus on the way to work, or going on a long drive.

Once you find what helps you daydream, use it and make space for it in your life on a regular basis, imagine that you are in that experience, recreate those circumstances inside of your mind. Let daydreaming come to you, and notice what kinds of windows it opens from our ordinary world into what other kinds of possibilities. Some of your best ideas and inspirations may come at these times.

Secondly, next time you have a decision to make, or a problem to solve, or a challenge to overcome, you can set up the circumstances so that you can trigger your daydreaming state – and allow yourself to explore your problem or decision in this way. When you have done so, make some notes of what you experienced and discovered. Add that to your conscious thinking on the subject: you now have much more information, and the advantage of having engaged more of your mental resources.

Thirdly, for today, forget dream interpretation. That is a conscious and limiting thing to do. Did I make myself clear? Forget conventional dream interpretation. For now use your dreams in personal ways to you.

The Power of Knowing Your Customer

Often times we believe the depth of our customer does not extend beyond that of the business they do with us.

In fact, it goes way beyond that. People love to talk about themselves, and if you take the time to talk to your customers about non-business topics, you will find that, more often than not, they are more than happy to engage you in conversation.

By getting to know your customers, you can find a whole lot of valuable information from them. Such as where they live, do they have a family, what their hobbies are, do they have pets, etc.

By finding out this type of information, you can determine what their needs are, than proceed to tell them about the products you have, that you believe would be ideal for their needs.

Another plus when it comes to getting to know your customers, is that every time you speak with one another, you are strengthening the business relationship you already have with them.

When I talk about getting to know your customer, I don't mean that you have to extend an invitation to them to join you at Thanksgiving dinner.

All you have to do is take a little extra time to get to know their names and what their needs are.

For instance, if you have a new customer whose name is Mike, and building train sets is his hobby. The next time you see him, you can address him by his name, and ask about how the trains are coming along.

One, he will be thrilled that you remembered his name, and two, since building train sets is his hobby, he will be more than happy to tell you all about it.

These types of techniques kick open the door to more sales. The better a person gets to know you, the better they will begin to trust you, and the more likely they will be to do business with you.

People prefer to do business with people they know and trust, it gives them a comfort level. So get to know your customer and work on earning their trust. They will not only do business with you. They will most likely refer their friends and family to you as well. Good luck.

This article may be reproduced by anyone at any time, as long as the authors name and reference links are kept in tact and active.

Developing Leadership Skills

The first area that we look at is that of Personal Attributes. This is a blend of knowledge, expertise, and competencies, encapsulated in the approach, the behavior, of the leader. In organizations of all sizes and in all sectors, public and private, these characteristics are key to effective leadership. The essential personal attributes are as follows.

Behaving Ethically, by: learning about the ethical issues and concerns that impact on your business sector; adopting a balanced, open-minded approach to the ethical concerns of others; considering the ethical issues and implications of all personal actions and organizational activity; raising and discussing ethical issues before proposing or agreeing to decisions; resisting pressures from the organization or its partners to achieve objectives by unethical means.

Thinking Strategically, by: learning and understanding how the different functions, physical divisions, and layers, of the organization should work together: understanding the complexities of, and the changes happening in, the external environment, and considering how the organization can best respond the these; understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the organization, and the opportunities and threats facing it; understanding how the strategic objectives are influenced by all the current and forecast influences that will impact on the organization; understanding that the operational objectives and targets must be in line with and support the strategic objectives of the organization; being aware of and responding to the behavior of current and potential competitors.

Supporting Corporate Goals, by: helping to create and communicate a vision which can be understood and supported by people at all levels; helping others to understand and contribute to the strategic goals; giving visible personal support to the strategic direction and specific goals set by the organization.

Communicating Effectively, by: being responsive to messages and signals from the internal and external environments; making effective use of communication channels from and to all levels within the organization; pro-actively encourage the exchange of information within the organization, and amongst suppliers, customers and partners; listening to others, including those with opposing views, carefully and thoughtfully; selecting personal communication styles that are appropriate to the different situations and audiences.

Gathering Information, by: establishing multiple channels and networks which generate a constant flow of information, from within and outside the organization; regularly and consistently gathering, analyzing, challenging, and using the information gathered.

Making Decisions, by: establishing a consistent approach to the analysis of information; drawing on personal experience and knowledge to identify current and potential problems; consider a range of solutions before selecting the final one; ensuring that the selected decision is feasible, achievable, and affordable; considering the impact of the decision on all stakeholders, at all levels, before approving implementation.

Developing Effective Teams, by: appreciating the contribution of others, at all levels in the organisation; ensuring that individuals and teams are kept informed of plans, developments and issues that will affect them; ensuring that individual and team development schemes are given appropriate priority; providing personal support for the implementation and maintenance of development activities for individuals and teams at all levels.

Behaving Assertively, by: understanding and responding to personal roles and responsibilities; adopting a leading role in initiating action and decision making; taking personal responsibility for decisions and actions; being properly prepared for involvement in activities and events; being confident and professional in dealing with change and challenges; refusing unreasonable demands; defending and protecting individuals and teams from unfair or discriminatory actions; remaining professional in manner at all times.

Concentrating On Results, by: contributing to the establishment of an organizational culture that demands high standards and high levels of performance; focusing on objectives and planned outcomes, at all times; dealing with issues and problems when they arise; planning and scheduling personal work and the work of others in ways which make best use of available resources; delegating appropriately; giving personal attention to the critical issues and events.

Managing Yourself, by: reflecting regularly on personal performance and progress; pro-actively asking for feedback on personal performance; changing personal behavior in the light of feedback received; being responsible for your own personal development needs.

Presenting a Positive Image, by: adopting a leading role in initiating action and decision making; behaving in a professional manner at all times; being open-minded and responsive to the needs of others; visibly working towards personal and career development goals; adopting an ethical approach to all personal and organizational activity; being supportive to colleagues; demonstrating fairness and integrity at all times.

In Summary: these essential attributes are many, and difficult to maintain consistently, but they are the attributes needed by, and expected of, our business leaders. The size of the organization, the business sector, whether public or private, is of no consequence. The leaders of all organizations should be role models for others, be visible champions of high standards of professional and ethical behavior, be leaders who others in their organizations can be proud of, and be leaders that competitors are envious of. Not many of these characteristics are imbued in our leaders by default. They have to be learned, can be learned, and should then be continuously developed and enhanced. With these personal attributes in place, and being demonstrated in behavior and actions, business leaders will be more effective and more successful. 

Karma versus Meditation

The Karma lives with us, the karma is part of our lives from the very moment of our birth to the moment of our death, because every time that we do something and even every time that we stop doing something, that generates karma, and you cannot avoid it in any way.

Of course that not all the karma that we generate is the same, there is a kind of karma that ties us or chains us to this life, and another kind of karma that liberates us of the reincarnation cycle.

The karma that chains us, known as Vishayakarma, has as fruits the misery and the lack of interior peace, while the karma generated by good actions or disinterested actions, know as the Sreyokarma allow us to reach the prosperity and the happiness of the soul, that it is much more than reaching the simple external happiness.

Then to liberate us from the enslaving karma, it is necessary to teach the intelligence and mind's oxen the art of dragging the carriage of the internal conscience, and this is achieved by means of the practices of the meditation and the repetition of the name of God.

And the conscience, to be able to guide the oxen of the intelligence and the mind, must calm and control the conflicting desires that infest the mind, and this is achieved when we learn how to point our mind to a single direction.

When thanks to the meditation, the bewildered mind dives in the view and repetition of the name of the Lord, the Divine Splendor able to burn the wrong and to illuminate the happiness is manifested.

It is easy to understand the benefits of the meditation. Anyone that undertakes a task, knows that only when he concentrates his efforts toward a single point, he can achieve the desired success. Even the most insignificant tasks require concentration, and the power of an unshakable effort is so big, that even the worst difficulties surrender to it.

When we practice the meditation in the Supreme Being, the mind learns how to retire its attention from the material objects, and the life acquires a new splendor when we get aware of the Divine Essence that is inside us, and guides us into the state of Blessedness.

How sweet is a fruit? There's no way to explain that appropriately, the only way of knowing that is to eat the fruit.

How good is the meditation? There's no way of knowing the taste of its fruits until we don't decide to experience it.
Every time that we face an activity with the desire of obtaining a certain result, this throws us into the arms of the desire, the greed and the ego demons, while only the pure actions that we do for love without taking into account the possible consequences of them, are the kind of actions that drive us little by little toward the illumination and the liberation.

That ones whose nature allows them to carry out this kind of unselfish activities, little by little realize that God provides them of all that they need and of all that confers them the interior peace. Another form of achieving the yearned interior peace is the meditation.

Perhaps you might ask yourself why? Why is the meditation so necessary?

Because the man always acts in two dimensions, the external dimension governed by the physical senses, and the internal dimension governed by the intelligence and the mind.

The internal conscience cannot move for itself, but rather needs the guide of the intelligence and the mind, that are the ones related with the external world, they are as the oxen that pull a carriage. These oxen are anxious to begin to walk, but to take us to the correct destination they should be educated, they should be indicated which is the route that takes us to the place to which wants to arrive the internal conscience. And these are the roads of the Truth, the Rightness, the Peace and the Love

It All Starts With a Decision

Greetings Self Reader,

Decisions are powerful. Doing the right thing or the wrong thing all starts from a decision. We think about things and thoughts are powerful but actions do not occur until we decide that they do. We make good decisions and bad decisions. Productive and unproductive ones. The great thing about it is we can take precautions to prevent against making bad decisions.

Great decision makers have great decision makers as friends. They ask the advice of those who have been where they hope to be. It is similar to a person who is lost in a car they would be wise to ask someone for directions to where they are going. In the same way, if you do not know if you are making a good decision ask somone who can give you direction. If you want to be a positive person you should make a decision to have positive friends. They can give you positive advice and you can learn how to be a positive person from simply being around them. So hanging around positive people is a great precaution against being negative.

You must decide to be a positive person or you will be be a negative one. Realize the power of your decisions. The madness of Hitler and Charles Manson began with the horrible decisions they made. Lance Armstrong beat cancer with divine intervation and the decision not to give up riding. What decisions will you make? You can decide to be a positive person. The positive decisions that you make in your life will snowball and snowball and eventually turn you into a super positive person.

Is Your Work Stressing You? Test Yourself

All of us who are working to earn our living face some stress in our work life. Many of us face more stress than we can cope up with. But sometimes we don't realize that. The stressed life becomes a routine, and we don't bother to check if we are under more than acceptable stress. Can tests and quizes help us find out the true state of affairs? Let us find out.

Let me talk about few quizzes that you can take to understand your work life and stress better. For example quizzes that are titled - Are you stressed? Are you a work slave? Do you believe in fun at work? Are you living a tense life? Are you burning out yourself? Are you fighting stresses in the right way? And Are you a good time manager? Will all tell us something about our mental state? How do these quizzes and tests help us?

No test or quiz can be precise. No body can tell us precisely about our mental state. It is not measurable. But a quiz raises questions. It wants us to answer many questions. That makes us think about the answers. This is like somebody interviewing us and making us think of the answer. The thought process that begins in our mind is a great tool for self-improvement. Once we realize that we might be facing more stresses or that we are nearing a burn out, we will take care.

Let us all remember that the world is going forward at a great speed. In this information age, people to people contact is getting reduced. This makes us more vulnerable. Earlier colleagues used to be more vigilant about other co-workers. Today, everyone is over loaded. Tests and quizzes are therefore a good way to self analyze and decide the course of action. Stresses are harmful. If we can use any tool that can help us, we should try. Use tests and quizzes to find out if you are stressed and try to live a long and healthy life.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

You Are Empowered By God In Your Finances

In the first article I wrote dealing with empowerment ("You Are Empowered By God"), I outlined several principles that pertain to God's word with relation to answered prayers. We saw how God makes covenant promises (contract or agreement promises) and how we are empowered by God Himself to bring about many of the blessings that are mentioned in the Bible. Now let's look at how Father empowers us specifically in the area of finances.

We Are No Longer Under Law, But Under Grace

When we, as Christians, discuss finances the subject almost always goes toward tithing. One of the most popular scriptures quoted in relation to tithing is Malachi 3:10 which says,

"Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house, and try Me now in this," says the LORD of hosts, "If I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it."

The word "tithe" used here literally means "tenth." Under the Law, we were required to give a tenth of our first fruits to the Lord. But we aren't under Law since the resurrection of Jesus. Galatians 3:13-14 tells us,

"Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us (for it is written, "Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree"), that the blessing of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles in Christ Jesus, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith."

That should make it easy, right, since we are no longer obligated to give a tenth? That depends on your point of view.

Since the time of Jesus, we have been empowered to control much of our financial blessing from Father. Basically, He has setup more of a reward system than a system of requirements. It works very simply: the more you give, the more He blesses. Look at Luke 6:38 which says, "Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you."

With the same measure we use, God will measure back our blessing. If we give a tiny amount, our blessing will be tiny. If we give graciously and generously, Father's reward will be great! That scripture proves beyond a doubt that you cannot out give God. Here's another one from II Corinthians 9:6-8:

"He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work."

What happens when we sow bountifully? We put God's word into motion and God is able to make all grace come our way. The use of the word "able" suggests that God requires us to make the first move and give. When we give generously, God will also make sure we always have all sufficiency in all things. That's a lot of "all's!"

Don't live by the world's standard of penny-pinching and greed. Don't limit God's flow of financial blessing by strictly giving only a tenth of your first fruits. Instead, give in abundance and you'll release God's power so that you can receive in abundance, too!

Hair Loss, Not The End Of The World

So your losing your hair? Feels like its the end of the world does it? Well I'm here to give you some good news and some bad news. We will start with the bad first and that is unfortunately hair loss isn't the only annoying change that goes with breaking into the golden years. Other changes include erectile dysfunction, swelling prostates, urinary symptoms that go with large prostates, decreasing time in stage 4 sleep, and the list goes on and on. The way I see it going bald is the least of your concerns.

Ok so the good news is that in today's age of pharmacy, there are several great options to solve many of the above mentioned problems, including hair loss. So you don't have to just accept your genetically determined fate. Not only are there good pharmalogical options but the semi surgical options of hair implants are always improving.

So what causes hair loss otherwise known as male pattern balness? Well it is in the genes as mentioned above. The rumor is that it runs through the maternal line. So if your mom's dad is bald than you'd better start getting ready. That isn't the whole story though. It turns out that there is an enzyme that changes testosterone to dihyroxytestosterone or DHT. DHT which is produced in greater amounts and for which some are more sensitive to acts in many different ways including the root of the hair and actually acts as a toxin to the hair permanently ending the ability of the hair producing proginator cells to continue growing hair.

One of the best treatments is a drug called finasteride or propecia which inhibits the enzyme, alpha 1 reductase, that catalyzes the reduction of testosterone to DHT. If begun early enough it can prevent (or signigicantly slow) hair loss. This drug has been shown to be wonderfully efficacious at relatively low doses, which limits the side effects to a tolerable minimum. One problem with the drug that has recently been made much of in the media is the olympic ban on propecia. It turns out that it can and has been used as a coverup for anabolic steroid performance enhancing drugs. So a significant issue that fortunately effects only a very small minority of balding men.

As mentioned there is also the implant option which for a while seemed like it made you look worse than just having no hair. The corn rows weren't what most guys were going for and were any thing but natural. Now however you really have a hard time noticing the difference unless you are around a guy and all of a sudden they have a head of hair that didn't use to be there. So like I said, compared to the other problems that will eventually crop up, hair loss is tame. But lest we suffer in the looks department fortunately there are good options to stem the "disease." 

Discovering Your Passion and Purpose

"I can't seem to discover why I'm on the planet."

"What is my purpose here? I know there's something I'm supposed to be doing, but I don't know how to find out what it is."

"I don't seem to be passionate about anything."

I've heard these complaints over and over from my clients.

Discovering our passion and purpose is vital to our joy and well-being. The problem is that many people have lost touch with any sense of their passion and purpose and have no idea how to access this information.

The blueprint for this information lies within our core Self, our essence, the true Self that is often buried during our early years. If our true Self was not seen and validated by our parents, teachers, or other caregivers, it is likely to have gone underground. The self many of know as our "self" is generally our wounded self, our ego, the self we created to get love and avoid pain. Our wounded self has within it all of our fears and false beliefs, and does not have access to what is true for us.

How, then, do we discover our passion and purpose if the blueprint for this information is long buried? The good news is that while it is buried, it is not lost. Anyone can reclaim this information if you are willing to do the inner work of healing your wounded self.

I've worked with thousands of clients who, as they practice the Inner Bonding process that I teach (see our FREE course at, gradually heal their fears and false, limiting beliefs to the point where their true Self comes peeking out. This is the vital, alive aspect of ourselves, the aspect of us that just wants to joyfully express ourselves in the world. As you allow this aspect to emerge, you will gradually discover what truly brings you joy.

In our society, we tend to ignore our special talents and choose our careers according to what will give us a sense of security. Too often, however, what makes us feel safe does not fulfill us spiritually. For example, Roger worked for many years as an attorney, but he never enjoyed it. He made lots of money, yet when he consulted with me he was suffering from anxiety and depression. He had become an attorney because his father had been an attorney and wanted Roger to follow in his footsteps. Roger had gone along with what his father wanted for him because he didn't know what else he wanted and now, in midlife, he was miserable. He yearned to discover his passion.

A few months after starting to practice Inner Bonding, Roger remembered that he had really wanted to be a teacher. He had never seriously considered teaching because he felt he couldn't make enough money, but now he was willing to make far less money because he was so unhappy with his present work. Roger went back to school and got his teaching credential and is now a high school social studies teacher. The last time I spoke with him he was radiant! He loved working with adolescents, and he felt he was making a real contribution to their lives. For the first time ever, he felt alive and passionate about his life. His wife decided to take up some of the financial slack by doing something she had always wanted to do: design children's clothing. She started her own mail-order business and is thrilled with it. Their marriage and family life is flourishing because both of them are happy and fulfilled within themselves.

Ricki came to see me because she was so unhappy working as a controller of a big import business. Yet she had no idea what else she wanted to do. It took about a year of practicing Inner Bonding before her true Self told her that she wanted to be a nutritionist. Ricki hadn't wanted to hear her true Self because she didn't want to go back to school. Finally she was so unhappy that she decided to listen. She is now back in school enjoying discovering her passion.

While it may not always be possible to change your work immediately to something you love, if you follow your passion, it will often lead you there. And even when you have to earn money in ways that do not express your soul, you can seek volunteer opportunities and hobbies to express who you are. Often these can lead to the work that you will eventually do.

Alfredo worked as a manager of a large supermarket. With his small savings, he decided to start pursuing a hobby that had always fascinated him - restoring old cars. He used all his extra money to buy his first old car and spent many blissful hours restoring it. He was so good at it, he was able to sell his restored cars for a lot of money. Eventually he was able to quit his job at the market and pursue his passion full time. Ultimately he started a project in a prison teaching inmates to restore cars. Alfredo now loves what he does and receives great satisfaction from helping others.

Your soul has a deep desire for you to express yourself in ways that brings you joy. It is your job to discover what that is and to bring it about.

The Problem with the Rebound

One of the most common mistakes in a relationship is the rebound. For those of you who do not know what a rebound relationship is, let's start with that. The definition of a rebound relationship is jumping into a committed relationship very quickly after the end of a committed relationship. Many people fall into this type of trap as they are trying to move on from a break up. There are healthy ways to get past the dissolution of a relationship and a rebound relationship definitely does not belong in that list. There are many reasons not to rebound with someone right after a committed relationship. Some of them include trying to replace an ex, not enough time to heal, and you can hurt the person you start dating.

First of all, dating someone on the rebound is not a good idea because many people who date on the rebound are trying to replace their ex. Many people in this position have low self-esteem and rebound in order to have someone to be with. Loneliness can be a very motivating factor to push someone into a relationship before they are ready. Do not let this happen to you. The break up of a relationship is painful and there is not a quick fix to get over it. Respect yourself enough to just take the time you need to get over this hurtful experience. Rebounding will not help you get over the break up or replace your ex significant other. It will only cause problems in your life.

Another reason you do not want to try to rebound is that you will not have enough time to heal. This was talked about briefly when discussing trying to replace your ex. Respecting yourself and getting to know yourself again is the only way to get over being dumped. Jumping into another serious relationship does not allow enough time for you to do either of these things. Take some much needed time to grieve over your relationship, and then you can decide what type of role you want to have in the dating game. There is no hurry, so don't rush. Playing it safe and smart after a break up is always a good idea.

A final reason that you don't want to get immediately back into a relationship when you get dumped or break up with someone is that there are other people's feelings to consider. Think about if you jump into a serious relationship and then realize you aren't ready for it. The person you are dating might be extremely hurt by this. Considering others' feelings is very important as you do not want any more hard feelings between you and another person. If you move too quickly into a relationship and then back out, that leaves the other person possibly devastated. Moving more slowly into a relationship can help better the chances that someone else may be hurt.

Obviously rebounds are not a healthy way to get back into the dating scene. So many things can go wrong if you do this, and risking more pain when you are not over the first heartache will not help. Take time to get over your broken relationship, learn about yourself and who you are, and what you want out of a new relationship. By doing this, you may spare yourself and someone else the pain of another break up. 

Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?

This is a question that most people grapple with from time to time and it has largely been on my mind this past week.

You see one of the best people I know -- my Uncle Carl -- had a very bad accident this week. While working on the wood lot with his son, his hand got caught in a log spitter. In the end the damage was so severe that his left hand had to be amputated.

Although no longer a young man, my uncle is very active and enjoys working with his hands. He is right handed but clearly the use of two hands was an important part of his former life and just as clearly that will have to change.

I was devastated when I heard the news and am still shaken by it -- even more so when I think about how much worse the accident could have been. My whole family is upset, especially Uncle Carl's wife and children, most notably my cousin John who was with him at the time.

As I worked through my worry and grief I kept asking myself that question: Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?

I know people often say this when tragedy occurs, but this is not simple lip service -- it is fact. My uncle is a good man.

He is a very strong family man who is still married to his high school sweetheart. He loves his four children as well as his grandchildren and great-grandchildren. He was a devoted son when his parents were alive and is loved by his siblings, nieces and nephews. He and his wife opened their home to many children and young people over the years and continue to open their home and hearts whenever family, friends, or community require it.

He has worked hard all his life -- using his hands to service the land and master machinery and using his broad shoulders and strong muscles to complete every task set before him.

He has played an important role in his community serving as a volunteer firefighter as well as a cornerstone of his church congregation.

Yes, he is a good man, but his life has not been easy though and I had to question why one more burden needed to be added to his heavy load.

Many Christians will say that God sends us trials to test us. And there might be some truth in that. Many of us are stronger than we think and it takes difficult challenges to make this clear. But I didn't think this applied to my uncle -- he has had many challenges over the course of his life and I think he has a good handle on his own strengths.

However loss also highlights what we have and perhaps have taken for granted. Yes, my uncle has had a difficult life but he has also had a tremendously rewarding one. I don't think there really is much that my uncle wishes for or envies in others. Yes, his siblings may have more money and professional success, but I am confident that Carl would not trade his wife and family for that money any day of the week. And I secretly suspect that if he did in fact have more money that it would be spent in large part on his loved ones.

And he is greatly loved by a great many people. Not just by his immediate and extended family but by the many people whose lives he has touched. I know there are prayers on his behalf winging from coast to coast. I don't think he'd trade that love and the respect that accompanies it for all the professional success his siblings have enjoyed.

We can grieve with him for the loss of his hand, but we can't pity him when we look at the many gifts that God has given him.

What is more, when you step back and take a look at the man he is then you do not even notice the missing hand. He is so much more than the simple sum of his parts and in the end it is the size of his heart that one notices most.

It is important to note that it was his right hand that was preserved -- the very hand he has extended so many times to others to offer love, friendship, and help. 

Unhealthy Emotions Associated with Being Dumped

Being dumped can be a traumatic experience for anyone. Relationships are complex and difficult at times. While some people who are dumped seem to find a way to move on without much damage, most people who are dumped have serious emotional issues. Some of the negative reactions to the difficult emotions that come out of the break up can seriously affect the way a person functions and the person's ability to function in life. Finding a positive way to deal with these difficult and possibly harmful negative reactions to these feelings can help you deal with being dumped and move on with your life. Just a few of the emotions you may encounter are hatred, embarrassment and sadness.

Hatred is a common feeling to have after being dumped. The common question is, "Why Me?" You may experience hatred toward a person that has dumped you, mutual friends that disassociate with you after the break up, and anyone who may subsequently date your ex after you break up. Dealing with hatred in a positive way is very important because this emotion has a very bad habit of being a festering emotion. If you have hatred inside, you may even be physically affected. Hatred is an awful emotion that can have severe effects. If you are consumed by this negative emotion, it is hard to live your life, move on from a broken relationship, and even go about day to day responsibilities normally.

Another emotion you may experience is embarrassment. A lot of times, embarrassment stems from self-esteem issues, as well as feeling like everyone around is laughing at you. After you have been dumped, the best way to move past feeling embarrassed is to know that you are a worthwhile person and that you are not the only person who has been dumped. Lift your head and know that you have great qualities that someone else will admire later on in a different relationship, and simply work on getting to know yourself and being the person you want to be. Anyone who would laugh at you after such a painful experience is not worth even wasting time to think about.

One more emotion you may experience in the case of being dumped is sadness. This one will only heal after time. There is almost always regret when you are broken up with and the only cure for this emotion is taking time to let yourself heal. Indulge in some self-pity, but not for long. Get pampered, spend a little money on yourself, and try to remember that you are a worthy human being. Sadness will pass and you will be able to move on with your life in a positive manner. If you allow yourself to get wrapped up in sadness, you can get into a funk that is very difficult to get out of. Simply waking up and getting on with your regular routine can help you take one day at a time to your recovery.

No matter what seemingly negative emotions you experience after being dumped, and there are a variety of many of them, the way to move past them is to react to them in the most positive way you can. This is a key to moving on with your life and living a successful and happy life. 

From Basics To Mastery

For all of us, emotional intelligence encompasses five basic areas of mastery. They are:

- Knowing your feelings and using them to make life decisions you can live with.

- Being able to manage your emotional life without being hijacked by it -- not being paralyzed by depression or worry, or swept away by anger.

- Persisting in the face of setbacks and channeling your impulses in order to pursue your goals.

- Empathy -- reading other people's emotions without their having to tell you what they are feeling.

- Handling feelings in relationships with skill and harmony - being able to articulate the unspoken pulse of a group, for example.

The scope of these skills means there is indeed room for all of us to learn, grow, and improve. There is a lot to learn here. Learning about emotional intelligence, learning about the tools for energy efficiency; that's only the beginning. It's like reading all the books on sailing and small boat sailing. You then have the theory mastered, but you have no hands-on practice. It's only with practice that we gain mastery of anything. That's true of our feelings and emotions too!

The scope of these skills means there is indeed room for all of us to learn, grow, and improve. There is a lot to learn here. Learning about emotional intelligence, learning about the tools for energy efficiency; that's only the beginning. It's like reading all the books on sailing and small boat sailing. You then have the theory mastered, but you have no hands-on practice. It's only with practice that we gain mastery of anything. That's true of our feelings and emotions too!

How do you address so many broad areas?

- Assessment tools are a great way to learn to identify your emotions

- Energy efficiency tools are invaluable in helping you tap into inner wisdom and resources to manage your emotions and understand what the best choices are when you are making life decisions.

- Persistence can be learned. In fact, providing challenges and hardships to children, to give them an opportunity to develop persistence and stick-to-itiveness, is intrinsic in many cultures. Goal-setting and the 6 Most- Important-Things List are just two tools you can apply immediately.

- Developing empathy is powerful in critical business situations like a sales call, a closing, your management style, etc. Using your energy efficiency tools will allow you to pay attention to your instincts in this area instead of second-guessing yourself.

- Once you learn to be the manager of your feelings, it becomes an easy habit to apply in any business or personal relationship.

Mastery of all the basics does not occur overnight. But with practice it comes very quickly - just like learning to ride a bicycle. Once you experience how it's 'supposed to work', how energy efficiency is 'supposed to feel', it's easier and easier to reestablish in a variety of circumstances. That's where mastery is achieved. That's where you and everyone in your business benefit from your mastery.

3 Simple Keys to Getting Rid of Fear

Fear is your enemy – no other way to describe it. I'm not talking about that natural life preserving action along with a major boost of adrenalin that happens if a wild animal is coming at you. I'm talking about the fears people live with day in and day out.

Fear is your enemy. Someone once described fear as, "Sand in the machinery of life." Fear doesn't help you, it hinders you. Fear doesn't get you through an open door; it keeps you in the hallway. Fear never helps you put your best foot forward; it just keeps both of your feet in cement.

The psychology of today is, "Learn to live with your fears", "Embrace your fears", "It's normal to have fears – everybody does."

It's true; lots of people do have fears. And there are people who are trying to learn how to live with their fears, and embrace them.

But if it's "normal" to have fears, then why would the Bible talk about being delivered from all your fears?

Think about it - if it's normal to have fears, and you had no fears, then you would be abnormal, right? Well why would God want you to be abnormal?

He doesn't. He truly desires for you to be set free from all your fears.

There are many facets and aspects of fear. One of the big ones is having fear of what others think of you. People do things, say things, and even buy things because of the fear that they have of what others think.

Many times people join clubs or organizations because they are afraid that if they don't, others might think badly of them.

People say things and talk a certain way because they are afraid that they might not say the right thing in front of the right people.

People purchase items because of fear not measuring up to those around them. And on and on it goes.

You don't have to live with fear. Here are 3 simple keys to getting rid of fear.

First, start by realizing that God truly loves you and that His love for you is unconditional. The Bible teaches that nothing can separate you from His love. Nothing. His love for you does not change, ever!

Second, ask God to help you to get rid of all your fears. He has promised to deliver you from all your fears. That is His desire for you – a life without fear.

Third, make decisions based on what is best for you, not how it may or may not appear to others. You'll never, ever be able to please everyone, so stop trying to. You'll never, ever be right in everybody's eyes, so stop trying to.

When you make a decision, ask yourself, "Why am I making this decision? Is it based on fear?" Make decisions based on what is right and best for your life, regardless of what others think.

You can live without fear.

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